![phone receiver image](/assets/img/phone receiver 117.png)
Streamed and Captioned
for your audiences
Accessible via Computer or Mobile
Cymo AI Caption covers over 200 languages
Supports live human stenography
![meeting](/assets/img/book meeting 3.jpg)
Your Meeting,
Professionally Managed
Zoom, Teams, Meet, Cymo, any platform
Custom event page and virtual background
Guide speaker and attendee registration
Orchastrate rehearsals and sound tests
![interpreter in booth](/assets/img/interpretingbooth.jpg)
Mix and match,
Online & Offline, Hardware & Software
ISO compliant hardware with any meeting platform
Streamed in multiple languages via Cymo Live
Backed by Cymo Caption in any language
Achieved with Cymo Booth+ and world-class human interpreters
Built for Your Event
Got a specialized request?
We can make the technology to meet your need
![brainstorming](/assets/img/book a demo 1.jpg)
Talk to us
We will get you:
- ✅ Your customized meeting solution and price
- ✅ Dedicated event manager and tech support
- ✅ Full technology support from prep to finish
![animated gif touring the booth interface](/assets/img/book meeting 4.jpg)